Continuous integrations and deployments
About the session
If you are interested in DevOps, give your career a headstart here.

Automate project build procedure while practically implementing an end-to-end continuous deployment.
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Continuous integrations and deployments
Session Details

In this session, we will go through

  • Why we need the CI/CD?
  • A walkthrough of Continuous Integration using GitHub Action.
  • A walkthrough of Continuous Deployment using AWS CodePipeline.

What you will learn?

This program is designed to introduce candidates to CI/CD. This covers all aspects by integrating code changes by Github action and deploying the application using the AWS code pipeline automatically.


What skills do you need to be a part of it?

1. Basic understanding of the application deployment in AWS environment


For a smooth learning experience, few things will be required:

1. You will need a laptop you can code on.
2. Internet connection and experience in any programming language of your choice.
3. AWS account for deploying your application.

With this, you are set to start.


Related read for CI/CD.

Continuous integration & deployment for open source project