Making startups capable
Abhishek Sharma
December 2, 2017
Every time I see a successful startup I know they’ve made it, through identifying the problem and solving it well. When I hear stories of how they were created in a dorm or from a one room apartment, I know they’ve built their business out of constraints. Their stories and lessons will help others build theirs.
The only downturn is that not all startups are built this way.


There’s a need for structured and sustainable way for more startups to succeed. There’s a need to enable more startups to solve challenging problems of the society. There are many industry experts who have ideas to solve a problem in their domain. They are not expected to create an application for it. Will they start building a team of software developers and designers to build this? Will the product never be built?
Raj(not the real identity of our client) with a background of working with Resident Welfare Associations(RWA) had an innovative way of solving the challenges faced by residents. He wanted to make the connection between RWAs and the people living in a society better, through an app. This would create a happier and more satisfied community.
Even for the ideas coming from people with tech background, they are more likely to build business around it. We have partnered with people with strong technical backgrounds themselves. They went on to focus on the business and needed a process driven method to build the product.


We learn from solving problems for many domains and many startups and also from our own products, which puts us in a position to understand them better and help them with all of their need. Our problem solving approach and the processes gives way for startups to establish their ideas and businesses.