Read Read Read
Abhishek Sharma
June 30, 2015

When you read, outside noise is suppressed giving way to your inside voice. It is like meditation. At ColoredCow, we give a lot of importance to reading. More than an advice, reading has become a part of our culture. We have a list of books that we want each of our team members to read.

You will find two types of people- those who read and those who do not. The ones who do not read are already out of competition; they don’t even know what they’re missing. Most of all, they are less likely to be inspired.

The ones who read have an active inner voice. They know about people and about their works.

Of readers Haruki Murakami said “if you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking” but he is right only to an extent. Not all of us think in the same way. We have a unique way of thinking, interpreting and understanding, say a book, since we’re on the subject of books. When each of our team mates reads the same books, we may have different ideas. These ideas from a collective thought process give us a wider view of the book than any other person reading the same books.

Much more important than reading a book is to implement the knowledge gained from the book. The thoughts gained from reading a 300 page book is useless if it is not utilized.

At ColoredCow, we use this poster to inspire people to read more:

book poster

And outside ColoredCow we use this one:

book suggestion poster

So go ahead suggest us a book and win one for yourself.

Abhishek Sharma
Content & Design Head