Great products are built by strong teams
Abhishek Sharma
November 24, 2017

One of the great challenges in building greater products is to build the greatest team to do it. People who are driven by the same sense of purpose and motivation to achieve the goals. All together. Whether building your own products or hiring a team to take your vision ahead, it needs the backing of a strong team as the same gets reflected in what gets built.

One of the qualities of great teams is it’s cohesion and collaboration. If the team is fragmented and people are rushing in their own direction, ex. if technical execution is strong and design doesn’t match the product’s capabilities then the users will feel it or if the product is designed in some fancy manner which tech cannot execute smoothly then the users will feel it. This example is a mere highlight and what can be the most visible form of something that can go wrong. The strength comes from all nuances of team collaboration and among all the team members.

Strong teams will produce strong executions, they will build remarkable things. So when we took on a healthcare product, our team’s synchronisation with the product vision, with the clients and with each other led us to create something we’re all proud of.