How optimization can affect your marketing website
Pankaj Kandpal
November 6, 2020

Here is the list of the very basic questions that come to mind for marketing through a website:

  1. How would it interact with the target audience?
  2. Will there be an exhausting delay in viewing even the front page?
  3. How much secure would it be for users to share their data?
  4. Are there any chances of data leakage?
  5. Whether the external resources being used are vulnerable to website content?
  6. How will the search engine react to entering the name of the website?
  7. Will the target audience be able to find it in the first search list?

For Creative Marketing agencies, we provide the best solutions in monitoring their websites and optimizing them further for the best possible outcome. Here’s a brief model of our services and end results:

The processes we follow include the following steps:

Auditing: A thorough analysis of the website is performed for the following purpose:

  1. Rating the current performance, security, and SEO of the website
  2. Finding areas of improvement
  3. Filtering the areas according to priority
Audit Report Template

Implementing the techniques: Once the areas of improvement are calculated, we provide our best practices with optimizing the resources used on the following parameters:

  1. Size of the resources used
  2. Loading time
  3. Removal of Hindrance/blockage of other assets
  4. Caching for faster load
  5. Optimizing the code logics for performance (as per the flexibility)
  6. Minifying the resource files
  7. Server level configurations (like optimizing our own system for performance)
  8. Upgrading the tech stack to provide maximum security
  9. Updating SEO content (up to a maximum possible extent)

After Implementation Audit: Once we perform the above-mentioned techniques, we again generate an audit report to build a contrast between the after and before optimization scores. In this, we also provide future recommendations of how can we keep the performance, security, and SEO better for upcoming similar marketing websites

After Optimization Audit Template

Quality Assurance: Sometimes, optimizations in the resource files might lead to malfunctioning. To prevent that, we always measure the quality of the service by having a thorough look at all the functionalities served on the website. To provide the best and to lay a remark is what we all aim for.