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Multiple Profiles: A possible way to increase chatbot’s reach beyond one person per number

By Akhilesh Negi

July 15, 2022

One WhatsApp + Multiple Profiles = Greater Impact! Well, the equation seems simple and makes more sense as we go deeper into the impact of a chatbot and its reach to beneficiaries. Especially for NGOs working in sectors where mobile device availability is not common and thus the same device…

How custom DataStudio Reports can contribute to building foundations for lifelong learning

By Akhilesh Negi

November 3, 2021

“The most sustainable way to build the foundations of lifelong learning among children and young people of today is by reigniting intrinsic motivation at all levels of an education system” – STiR Education. STiR Education is an international NGO that supports governments to employ practical strategies that promote positive behaviors…

Boosting Automated conversations with Embedded Elixir (EEx)

By Akhilesh Negi

July 22, 2021

It’s been around one and a half years since we started working on an open-source project named Glific that would empower communication and help NGOs deliver their programs digitally and manage communication with their beneficiaries at scale.  One of the core features of Glific is the integration of FlowEditor which…

Building Scalable Applications for Nonprofits in Laravel
By Tushar Bohra
SOLID Design Principles
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